Why Cats Make Wonderful Companions?


A pet gives you a happy and friendly environment. A pet relieves people of anxiety, stress, etc. The demand for cats as pets is gradually increasing. Originally cats were domesticated in America only to ward off rodents, but later cats became popular as pets for their cuddly disposition and ability to bring joy. In addition, scientific studies have shown that cats' affection can make people happy and remove people's worries.

Cats as a pet:

According to some owners, cats are not as good as pets. They think cats are arrogant and unfriendly. It is true that cats have slightly different temperaments but scientists are researching this. One of the reasons we know there is so much research going on in dogs is that cats are hard to understand. Scientists are trying to change that. But generally speaking, most cat owners give full marks to cats as pets. For a long time now, there has been a competition about who is better as a pet, a dog or a cat. Both dogs and cats can make great pets, but if you are a dog person, this article can change your mind.

Why cats are wonderful companions:

1) Cats are quiet & friendly

If you are a person who loves solitude, then cats can be your best companion. Cats make occasional meows, but usually, the meowing is very slow, and even when the cat is moving, there is no noise at all. Cats, especially some cats like to play a little, and love to run and jump, but overall cats are very calm and quiet.

2) Behaviour with humans-

Many people say that cats are only pets for food. But a study has shown that cats prefer human companionship, not food. One study tested a group of cats on food, toys, and human company, and found that most cats preferred human company.

3) Low maintenance

Between dogs and cats, the cost of adopting a cat is much lower. A cat doesn't need any training, there's no hassle of taking it for a walk every day. Also, the cost of grooming cats is less than that of pets. But big-haired cats need hair grooming.

4) Easy to train

Cats are very easy to train. A dog owner needs to properly train his puppy from an early age or the dog may become ill-tempered. On the other hand, cats don't have these problems. This baby cat has a sweet nature from a young age, he just needs to be taught the rules of the house and that's enough.

5) Cats are good for health

Pets alone are beneficial for human mental health. Cats have special achievements in this. A survey found that people who own cats are less likely to have high blood pressure. Also, their chances of heart attack are much lower than normal people. Cats reduce stress. The calm nature of the cat is quickly reflected in the owner of the cat, which is very useful for good sleep. It happens because of the correlation between the cat and its owner. Also, another survey found that children aged one year or younger are less prone to allergies if they are kept with cats from the beginning.

6) Cats can understand your behaviour

Cats are generally very intelligent and expressive. They easily understand their owner's behaviour and express themselves accordingly Some scientists in Michigan experimented on this and found that when the cat's owner was happy, the cat showed positive behaviour in front of him, and when the owner was sad, the cat remained silent. A cat rubs its body, sits on its owner's lap, etc. to express general happiness. Cats use this behaviour not only with their owners but also with strangers. According to scientists, cats are also able to understand facial expressions.

7) Unwanted pests-

Cats are usually very alert. Even the slightest change does not escape the cat's eye. Cats help with many household chores. For example, it protects the household from rodents. Also, they sense the presence of other animals very easily. And immediately there is a change in their behaviour that can alert the cat owner in advance. So a cat can be said to be a very useful animal.


Hopefully after this, the cat should no longer be doubted. The cat is a beautiful animal and does not symbolize any bad luck. A poll of many people has revealed that just watching cat videos has brought positive energy to many people. Their tiredness of the whole day is gone. Many people even say that cat videos between dogs and cats bring more positive energy to them. So you can pet a cat.

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